Thursday 14 July 2011

Writing Exercise 3: This Could Get Dangerous

Determine the characters of his voice "is important. What is important, but entered on the characters' humanity, the essence of their design life.
A good way to learn how to do this by watching the events through the eyes of those who were still alive.
For this exercise, you choose a spouse, parent, or your best friend on the fictitious character in a scene from the drama playing out of 500 words. Writing in third person or first person view.
Trauma forcing people to reveal their true personalities. In other words, actions speak louder than words.
Choose how your character react to the traumatic event a blind date, for example, or a forest fire?
Let us not allow emotions to hide people. You love her husband, but how can he answer honestly, when dealing with forest fires?
Objective consideration, what you know about the person, then what you think.
Our instinctive response, but often do not pay attention to the voice a little to remember. You hear a quiet voice that tells the hidden humanity of their candidates, then together information on their fictional characters.
Humanity needs your character to take the life behind the smiles you see each day in hiding.
You can keep this practice from the eyes of their candidates. He could not see that it has become a fictional character.
Do not use the name of their candidate for your character! Your life can be on the line.
Give people think of nature and your character giving life, the reader.

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