Thursday 14 July 2011

Jokes and Riddles - How To Write Them

Only you can hear or read jokes and riddles "wake up" your brain, but they are the basis of the brain. This process requires the use of lateral thinking and logic. How?
Jokes and riddles will come to mind in random order. In fact, after the way they use their current work as a comedian, I think, what I call the "algorithm of fun," even if they do not know. You can learn the same thing, but learning to know, and as an interesting brain exercise.
Jokes and riddles algorithm
Algorithm for a systematic and creative humor to start with a word or topic, place, and in a variety of jokes and riddles, "type". For example, I will start with "chair". (Actually, I am what I write, so forgive weak humor to drive.)
The first thing I always think of the various types of chairs, I can not write. Then I was joking as "word games", "false", "difference" and write "similarities." Because I think the electric chair might have great potential. (Like all the heavy stuff) The funny part is, I came with in 13 minutes:
Difference: What is the difference between a toilet and a chair? Sorry, but you do not know, I can not invite you to my house!
Hijacking: Why did Charlie hate the President for his birthday? In addition, given the electric chair!
Equation: My dog ​​is almost equal to the chair? It has four legs and an IQ of zero.
Video Games: Why Customer Service to arrange the first car seat, after waiting a few hours? Because he was "the most important person in trouble."
Writing humor is not necessarily easy, but it's good exercise for the brain. Whether easy or not, this "algorithm" can not write anything, jokes and puzzles. Why not try?

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