Thursday 14 July 2011

Speak. Stop. Start Speaking Again

From the beginning, while working in radio, I learned that the "dead air" is a bad thing.
A silent death means the air, silently voluntary, ie. So if I stood in the room, for example, and not listening to music or voice for a few seconds to quickly check what is happening in the cabin of the advertiser or new media.
Speakers and presenters often think of silence as something bad. But they should not. In fact, the act, such as a long interval, can be a great power.
Pause for a moment before talking to you, and have almost immediate attention and respect of everyone in the audience. Every whispered the last stop, as did the mixture of the foot and paper, and opening and closing bags and purses.
The same if you lose the attention of people walking through the speech or presentation. Pause to look systematically for everyone in the audience room, and bring with you again.
Pause for a long time, if you make a point. If stopped, you will get not only the audience, but to create a contrast between the silence and the sound of her voice.
You will also find useful stops when switching from one topic to another in your presentation. In this case the signal to break, nothing will change, especially if the new theme, which is expected be discussed in the previous section.
Of course, you can relax, if you understand where you are missing in your presentation. To stop in consciousness, seeing the audience as if he had planned to stop here to gather their views, and try again.
In short, you do not fear a long moment of silence or stop the presentation or speech. You can use attention and more than anything you can say.

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